Permanent Seminar of International Studies

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Developing International and European awareness

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About Us

Chi Siamo SSIP Seminario

Founded in Naples in 1990 by a group of scholars from various disciplines under the name "European Institute for New Professions", today the Permanent Seminar of International Studies (SSIP) is a think tank - a space ("seminar") for analysis…

Chi Siamo SSIP Seminario
Corsi SSIP-Seminario

Courses and Focus

Our courses are designed for young graduates who want to learn more about international issues. This is a necessary post-graduate training for those who intend to enter international careers both public and private.


The library is open to the public - free of charge for SSIP Seminar members - and contains more than 4,000 catalogues and indexes: Italian and international books, several Italian and international scientific journals, CDs and DVDs, digital documents...

Premio Seminario SSIP

Ssip seminar

Premio Seminario SSIP

The Prize "Europe" established in 2016 has so far been awarded every two years alternately in the University of Calabria and Ventotene Island under the patronage of the local administration...

Club of Ventotene

Club Ventotene SSIP Seminario

The "Ventotene Club" established in 2016 in Ventotene is an open forum for the periodic exchange of ideas…

Club Ventotene SSIP Seminario
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